Sunday, July 13, 2008

An introduction to The Cat Room

In our world, so many cats are left out on streets and so many are left at shelters. The thing with fostering is that it gives that cats a chance, and in many cases, one chance is all they need.

Our family started fostering in July 2008, and we have had nothing but good experiences. Right now, we have our first foster babies. Three little kittens found as strays, brought into impound. There's Mimi, a sweet little girl who knows how to play. Then Jaco, a crazy little guy who likes to wrestle. Last but not least, we have Mia who is shy, but fun. Every one of these kittens are going to be going to great homes soon.

Before we started fostering, we set up a cat room. A small room in the back served as a great room. Away from our resident cats (Snowball and Mo) and even farther away from our resident dogs (Petey and Cricket) who are Huskies. We cleaned out the room and a small closet and set up their "second floor" where they can scratch everything. It's a great room. After that, we got supplies. In came the mice, soccer balls (Mia's favorite), litter box, litter, blankets, food and more. Then came the kittens.

The goal of this site can be split up into multiple things.

1. Everyone who knows our family wants to know how the kittens are and what cat is with us at the moment. This blog will give up to date information on the cats and kittens.

2. After the kittens/cats are adopted out, this site will be given to the adopters. They are welcome to post comments and stories about the kittens under the kittens posting. When a kitten or cat is in our household, a posting will be made telling all about the kittens. For example, Mia's posting would be called Mia: Profile. When she is adopted, the adopters can come back at any time and post comments under Mia's Profile. Then everyone can see what Mia is up to.

3. To educate people about fostering and rescuing cats from harmful situations. Every minute, 11 cats and dogs are euthanized. That adds up to about 4 million (4,000,000) in one year. Fostering rescues cats (and dogs) from these situations).

We support:

1. Spaying and neutering your pets
2. Keeping your cats indoors
3. Not declawing your cat.

Thank you for being a part of our site!

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